Our weekly roundup of the best information on the internet to help you live a better life! Topics include what’s hot in Shaw and DC to productivity, relationships, apparel, recovery, and culture.
Ido Portal: The Science & Practice of Movement
“As one of the most sought out teachers of movement alive today, the knowledge Ido shares in this conversation can benefit everyone—children, adults, athletes, dancers, clinicians and trainers and the everyday person.”
Source: https://hubermanlab.com/ido-portal-the-science-and-practice-of-movement/
The Ultimate Habit Tracker Guide: Why and How to Track Your Habits
“Habit formation is a long race. It often takes time for the desired results to appear. And while you are waiting for the long-term rewards of your efforts to accumulate, you need a reason to stick with it in the short-term. You need some immediate feedback that shows you are on the right path.”
Source: https://jamesclear.com/habit-tracker
Want to create your own online habit tracker? Graham King made one for you.