2023 Annual Plan

Training Plan

I am excited to announce our 2023 training plan. This plan consists of month-long blocks of progressive training within five themes. 

Why should you care about having your training program planned for the entire year?

It comes down to this:

  • Are you getting the most out of your fitness program in the time you have to train?
  • How many hours per week are you dedicating to your fitness and health?
  • Of those hours, how many are quality?

Our task is to make that training time efficient, structured, and enjoyable! 

Having structure and a plan allows us to deliver the highest quality experience so that you can reach your fitness goal or improvement in some way. 

Here’s how it works: 

Level Method creates the annual plan to help athletes progress within the 15 athlete assessments (what you complete in Onboarding). Level Method uses athlete metrics and feedback from Level Method gyms worldwide to improve and add to the year before. 

Here’s our 2023 Level Method training plan:

The plan breaks down into monthly training blocks covering five themes. Months move into week progressions, and then, finally, a daily lesson plan consisting of warmup, movement prep, strength training, conditioning, accessory movements, and extra credit. It’s one day at a time. 

Here are the five training themes: 

Electricity Discipline – This theme rotates between weightlifting, powerlifting, bodybuilding, and gymnastics, focusing on high muscular tension.

Energy System – This theme focuses on ventilation (breathing) vs. plumbing (muscular burn). 

Strength Progression – This theme progresses a given strength movement over 4-5 weeks, leading into an assessment opportunity at the end of the period. These movements may include press, pullup, squat endurance, deadlift, weightlifting, and front squat.

Virtuosity – This theme exposes you to a wide range of worlds within fitness, adding variety to your training while simultaneously focusing on mastering fundamentals.

Fun & Cool – To keep training exciting, we add CrossFit Girls, Games, The Classics, HERO, bodybuilding, and Strongman WODs to our programming.

Movements, sets, reps, et cetera progress within each theme. For example, in the Electricity Discipline theme, you’ll have months to build muscle, increase power, improve muscular endurance, and build strength. 

We add elements to the programming specific to our membership and equipment. In 2023 you’ll find sled pushes, rope climbs, and block runs to name a few. We’ll also add Sunday programming and a class.

What we ask of you is this: 

  1. Train intentionally three to four days per week.
  2. Enter your metrics. 
  3. Book a Success Plan session every three months. 

Tracking your metrics is vital to measuring your progress and helps you make more informed training decisions in future workouts. Reviewing goals and writing a success plan helps us help you ensure that you are constantly challenged and motivated to reach your goals.

Thank you for being a member of UAC.

If you’re interested in getting started, book a free intro.  

Events Plan

Here are the special dates for 2023.

Global Assessments

  • Jan 16-28
  • May 1-13
  • September 11-23

In January, May, and September, we will schedule a 2-week global assessment with gyms worldwide participating simultaneously. 

We also have contests for level-ups, success plans, and social media posts during the GA months.

By coordinating with the LM Legion, we can build off each other’s momentum and celebrate all the powerful moments as a giant community. ????????

It’s awesome for clients/members to see people from around the world doing the same thing they’re doing.

CrossFit Intramural Open

  • February 16 to March 6

We will perform the open in an intramural team event on Friday nights.

More information on the CrossFit Open here.

Goal Review/Success Plan

What is a Goal Review session? 

It’s a 15-minute chat where we’ll high-five your accomplishments over the past three months and write down your goals for the next three months. By writing down your goals and printing them out, you’re more likely to stick them.

Want to schedule your Goal Review/Success Plan? Book here.

Here’s an example of a completed plan:

First Friday Beers/Bring a Friend

Pretty self-explanatory here! We’ll pop some beers and other beverages on the first Friday of each week with members! On the first Saturday, you can invite a friend to work out!

Free Trial

Each month we’ll open up a class specifically for the community. There’s no charge and no commitment. There will be a limit of 12 people per class.


Check the schedule online. On holidays we typically have one class at 9:30 a.m. Occasionally there will be a class at 5:00, too.