Live Better | Week 3, December 2022

In this frequently-updated blog, we share the best information on the internet to help you live a better life! Topics include what’s hot in Shaw and DC to productivity, relationships, apparel, recovery, nutrition, and culture.

Regular Bike is the Best Option for Health & Fitness Goals vs. Ebike

“While ebikes may help to facilitate active transportation and an increase in physical activity, the study showed a reduction in “duration and a reduced cardiovascular effort” while riding ebikes overall. In comparison, a higher percentage of regular bicycle users (35.0%) during the study were able to ride for 150 minutes or more at a moderate-to-vigorous pace. 109 accidents and 157 near-accidents were reported over 12 months with no “significant differences.”  “


Where To Watch The World Cup

Where To Watch The World Cup Around The D.C. Region
