Black and White Photo of Equestrian statue of John A. Logan in Washington, DC.

November Week 3 | Strength and Conditioning Programming

Greetings, UAC Warriors!

As we dive into the 3rd week of our Strength and Conditioning Program, it’s incredible to see the progress each of you has made. This week, we’re upping the ante with challenging workouts and skill-building exercises. Let’s break down what’s in store!

Quick Recap of Week 2:

Here’s the date from last Monday’s Front Squats: 23 Personal Records (remember, not all PRs are 1-rep maxes; we record all repetitions and weights, like 5-rep PR for example). Tracking results helps keep you motivated and disciplined (i.e. not chasing weight!).

Monday: Double Under Mastery and Castle Gates

We kick off the week focusing on honing your double under skills. This technique is key for improving agility and coordination. Following this, prepare for ‘Castle Gates’—an intense eight-round circuit of pull-ups, bodybuilders, sit-ups, and double unders. Post-workout, we’ll engage in essential shoulder accessory work to keep those muscles strong and resilient.

Tuesday: Front Squat Strength and Troublemaker Challenge

Tuesday is all about building strength with our Front Squats segment. Alongside 5×5 Front Squats, we’ll integrate Strongman and Antagonist exercises for a comprehensive strength build. Then brace yourself for ‘Troublemaker’, a 15-minute escalating workout involving Wall Balls, American Kettlebell Swings, and a 100-meter sprint.

Wednesday: Quality Over Quantity

Midweek, we focus on quality movements. Get ready for Turkish get-ups, Toes-to-Bar, Wall Walks, and Hollow Rocks. We’ll wrap up with some crucial breathing exercises and mobility work to aid recovery and enhance flexibility.

Thursday: Deadlifts, Swordsman, and Arm Work

Thursday’s E2MOM (every two minutes on the minute) Deadlifts is designed to perfect your lift and provide ample rest to improve. Following this, ‘Swordsman’—a dynamic combo of Power Cleans, Box Jumps, and cardio options like Skiing, Biking, or Rowing for calories. Don’t forget the extra credit: Chin-ups and Curls for some serious arm strengthening.

Friday: Heavy Lifting and Mixing Cement

Friday focuses on building to a heavy Strict Press in a 15-minute window. Complement this with strongman Plate carries and Banded pull-downs. End the day with ‘Mixing Cement’, an 18-minute partner workout combining Push-ups, Sit-ups, Kettlebell Snatches, and a Med-Ball Run.

Saturday: Hero Workout and Durability

We honor ‘Jason’ this Saturday with a hero workout featuring bodyweight Squats and Muscle-ups. Conclude with Kettlebell Windmills and Side planks for a durability-focused session.

Key Reminders:

Scaled Options: Remember, each day offers seven scaled options to suit all fitness levels.

Below is a Tuesday’s Front Squat workout with all the levels and a diagram for you to understand.

November Plank Challenge: We’re in week three! Let’s push towards achieving that max duration plank.

Class Sign-Ups: Help us tailor our programming by signing up for classes in advance.

Here’s to another week of smashing goals and building strength together at UAC!