Meet out newest Coaches

Meet UAC’s Newest Coaches: Chelsey, Stefany, and Jeb

We’re excited to introduce three new coaches to the Urban Athletic Club team! Each brings a unique background, a passion for fitness, and a commitment to helping our members reach their goals. Here’s a quick look at what they bring to the table:

Chelsey Uziel
Chelsey’s fitness journey started in California, where her love for CrossFit and Olympic lifting grew. With experience coaching at multiple gyms and learning from elite-level coaches, Chelsey specializes in movement mechanics and helping athletes achieve personal milestones. Whether you’re looking to lift heavier or master new skills, Chelsey’s deep understanding of individualized coaching will guide you every step.
Read more about Chelsey’s journey

Stefany Fadul
Stefany blends her expertise as an ACE-certified Personal Trainer and CrossFit Level 1 Coach with a passion for strength training and nutrition. She specializes in muscle building and weight loss, helping clients achieve results through personalized, structured programs. Stefany’s dedication to empowering individuals to transform their bodies shines through in every session, motivating her clients to push beyond their limits.
Read more about Stefany’s coaching

John-Eric “Jeb” Bell
Jeb’s athletic background spans multiple sports, from rugby to endurance races like marathons and triathlons. With a passion for strength training and fitness balance, Jeb is dedicated to helping others integrate fitness into their lives to enhance overall well-being. Whether you’re training for an Ironman or looking to elevate your strength game, Jeb’s energy and experience will inspire you.
Read more about Jeb’s story

We’re thrilled to have these amazing coaches on board! Be sure to say hello and get ready for some next-level training.

Want to book a session with a coach? Book a Discovery Call, and we’ll set you up!