May 2023 | Week 1 Programming


Week 1: 5/1-6

🌟💪Welcome to our May Week 1 Programming!🌟💪 Get ready for an action-packed week at our box, filled with exciting workouts and challenges designed to make you stronger and fitter! Don’t forget to mark your calendars and bring your A-game! 🔥🔥🔥

🗓️ Here’s what we have planned for the week:

🔹 Monday: Kick off the week with Front Squats to build leg strength 🏋️‍♂️ Followed by a spicy 9-minute AMRAP of Pistol Squats and Running 🏃‍♀️

🔹 Tuesday: 4 Rounds For Time (4RFT) featuring Kettlebell Cleans, Presses, and Carries 💪 Time to test your grip strength and muscular endurance!

🔹 Wednesday: A grueling 24-minute AMRAP with Bike🚴‍♂️, Burpees, Pull-ups, and then wrap up with some Bodybuilding Accessory work to keep those gains coming! 💥

🔹 Thursday: Bulgarian Split Squats to fire up those glutes and quads 🔥 Then, it’s time to work on your technique with Snatch Drills, Overhead Squats (OHS), AbMat Sit-Ups (AMSU), and Double-Unders (DU) 🏋️‍♀️

🔹 Friday: Start with a 10-minute EMOM of Hang Power Cleans (HPC) ⏱️ Then, brace yourself for a challenging barbell WOD! 🏋️‍♂️

🔹 Saturday: 🎉BRING A FRIEND DAY!🎉 Share the fun of functional fitness with your friends and family! We’ll have a special partner workout that everyone can enjoy! 👭👬👫

Can’t wait to see you all crushing these workouts and hitting new PRs! 💪🎉 Remember, consistency is key, so let’s make this week count!

Complete programming for all levels is in CHIP.