This Week’s Explosive Programming at Urban Athletic Club Shaw (UAC)
Get ready for a week filled with variety, intensity, and fun at Urban Athletic Club Shaw! From classic strength training to challenging WODs, DC’s best Strength and Conditioning gym has something to get everyone moving. Here’s a sneak peek at what’s on the schedule:
- Monday: Focus on strength with 5 sets of Deadlifts, accompanied by accessory work like overhead carries and front rack squats. Conditioning will consist of 7 rounds for time of dips and cleans.
- Tuesday: Get ready for “Ajax”! This challenging WOD features Toes to Bar, Farmer’s Carry, and Rowing, ensuring a full-body workout.
- Wednesday: “Lights Out” is a 24-minute WOD that includes Wallballs, American KbS, Ring Rows, and a 400m Run. Prepare to push your limits!
- Thursday: Another day for strength, focusing on Pullups and accessory work involving sled pulls and ball slams. Conditioning is “Crystal Palace,” a WOD of bike/row, pullups, double-unders, and bear crawls.
- Friday: Enjoy EMOM Power Cleans and “Granite 3.0,” a WOD featuring Thrusters and a 200m Run. Time to power through!
- Saturday: “Live Stream” is a WOD that includes Lunge, V-up, Squat, Situp, and 100m Shuttle runs, as well as Bench Press. Keep the energy high!
- Sunday: Team up for our Partner WOD! Grab a friend and conquer this challenge together.
All the programming is in CHIP, so check it out for all the details. And don’t forget, each workout features 7 levels to enable athletes to scale to their exact ability. UAC has the perfect challenge whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned pro.
See you at the gym! 🏋️♂️